Wednesday 7 March 2012

Ultrasounds Complete

My two brothers have had their ultrasound tests to ensure they are free from PKD. These test results need to be examined by my renal consultant before we get referred for cross match tests.
Hoping this will be quick.

Saw consultant last week on Thursday and reviewed blood test results from a blood test done on Tuesday. My kidney function is at 16% - so sill falling at 1% per month. He agreed to write to the transplant unit and ask them to try and organise a transplant within the next 3 months.

My calcium levels are dropping so I'm now on calcium tablets - this will help reduce aching. I've been taken off water tablets because they are no longer effective at my kidney function level - apparently coming off these should give me a slight improvement in overall kidney function.

I'm getting regular kidney and back pain because of the size of my kidneys which are around 4x bigger than normal - but doctor has given me an ample supply of pain killers.

Plan now is to get my brothers cross match testing underway ASAP so that we can make a choice on which donor kidney to use - tough choice - incredible to have three potential options.

Praying for speedy action from the hospitals involved and wisdom to make the right choices.

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