Monday, 13 August 2012

Unexpected Results

Hospital informed us today that Pete will be unable to proceed with donation because they believe he has some small cysts in his kidneys.

It's over 8 months since we got referred to Bristol and well over 14 weeks of tests specifically on Pete. So it's a major disappointment to find out that even with very high (98%) kidney function he can't give one away.

Even more devastating for Pete to think its possible he may have the same disease as me and could have passed it to his children.

About 50% of people who offer to donate don't get through the tests successfully.

I'm obviously gutted. Last week I was only a month away from beginning the daunting desensitisation treatment ahead of a transplant operation. Now that's not going ahead.

It's a rollercoaster of emotions and I have felt very low over the past weekend - even before getting these results.

Last week was tough enough but this week it's just got even tougher.

Thankfully my confidence is not in how or when or a hospital test or a surgeon it's all placed in Jesus. 100% all in - that's the only option.

Keep Praying.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rob. Georgina told me the news about Pete, which is obviously a devastating blow for both you and him. We are thinking of you out here.

    In Korean, there is a phrase 'Fighting' (which comes from English and in Korean is pronounced almost 'Whiting' cos they don't have an F sound).

    It's a catch all phrase to be used when your team is playing sports (a cheer), or if your team has lost (next time they'll win), or if you are having a bad day, or you are facing something difficult. Anyway, I don't particularly share your Christian faith, but I can say 'fighting' to you.

    Stay Strong. Love Sam & Will xx
