Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Food is boring

So I've been back at work a few hours a week for the past two weeks. I get tired quickly so rest most of the time.

It's a bit annoying to have lots of spare time on my hands but not be able to use it effectively because I just can't concentrate on anything for very long.

Another side effect of being in stage 5 kidney failure is a lack of appetite - so I'm eating a lot less because I just don't feel like it - but I'm drinking lots of Lucozade in the mornings not just for energy but also to try and push up my calorie intake.

Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get my operation scheduled - seems there is one delay or excuse after another. From next April kidney transplants will be targeted by the government to get hospitals to move from referral to surgery within 18 weeks. I've been waiting 30 weeks so far.

When I get tired of waiting sometimes I feel my faith in God is moving down a level. Come on God! But all I need to remember is Jesus loves me - the bible says :-

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. (2 Corinthians 9:8)

Staying faithful
I'll soon have my strength back and a story to tell. Keep Praying.

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