Thursday, 25 April 2013

Operation Complete

I had my operation yesterday afternoon. Sadly there were complications removing the left kidney because blood vessels were difficult to get to because they were buried under large cysts. This resulted in the left kidney taking 3 hours to remove and at this point the anaesthetist brought a halt to the operation as she felt a further 3 hours for the right kidney would be too long for me and the surgeon to cope with. So its possible I will need another operation in the future to remove my right kidney.

But without the left kidney I should have significant pain relief and hopefully most of my back pain will be gone.

I stayed in recovery overnight after the operation as my blood pressure was very very low averaging 80/35. At one point they thought I might have a bleed and considered returning me to the operating theatre - but a surgeon was called out and decided there was no bleed.

My haemoglobin levels fell significantly after the operation due to blood loss and they ordered 2 pouches of blood to transfuse into me - thankfully I woke up as they were setting this up and managed to bring a stop to this. The nurse looking after me was unaware that a transfusion could limit my chance of getting a kidney in the future. Hopefully over the next few weeks my blood levels will return to normal without any blood transfusions.

The surgeon took a photo of my left kidney that he removed. It's here for your delight! Notice the ruler which is 15cms long and he said the kidney was actually bigger than in the photo when it had blood flow in it. I'm glad that's not in me any more and am keen to get rid of my right one if its anything like this one.

I had an epidural for my pain relief so am relatively pain free. This gets removed tomorrow so I hope alternate pain relieve is sufficient. Here's a few things to pray for :-
1. Thanks for the success in removing my left kidney
2. That swelling and bruising goes down quickly
3. Effective pain management
4. That Blood Pressure and Haemoglobin goes back to normal quickly

Thanks all for making this possible so quickly
And for your ongoing support and prayers.

Rob & Joybelle

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Operation Tomorrow

Lots has happened since my last blog.

On 3rd April I got admitted to hospital overnight because of severe backpain. I was in hospital for 5 days until I eventually got strong enough morphine patches to control the pain.

By the second day in hospital Becki's fundraising site had hit the target of £6k - which meant we could start planning the operation. Amazing.

If you've not seen Becki's video here is the link.
Since seeing this video the surgeon who will be removing my kidney's has asked if Becki would be willing to help produce some patient information videos.

Since being discharged from hospital we have managed my pain using the patches which I change every 3 days. I've spent most of my time resting and sitting up for more than an hour results in me having a lot of pain. Walking is still difficult at times.

Joy has managed to contact the hospital and get me booked in for an operation to remove my kidneys which is scheduled for tomorrow - 24th April 2013. The surgeon has agreed to remove both kidneys if he can - providing the first kidney comes out easily. I'm in hospital tonight and have had some pre op tests and an extra session of dialysis to prepare me for tomorrow.

Here are a few things to pray for :-
1. That the operation goes well and the surgeon is able to remove both kidneys.
2. That I don't have to have a blood transfusion - as this will impact my options in respect of future kidney donation.
3. For good pain management and a speedy recovery.
4. That Joy and the kids cope with everything this week.

Hopefully I'll be out of hospital by next Wednesday but until then Joy has given me a ton of sweets to keep me going. Although I can't have any after midnight tonight - so by my operation tomorrow afternoon I'll be starving!

We know we have lots of support from family and friends who are praying like mad for us - thank you all for all you're doing.
We're all still smiling because of your support and love.

Rob & Joybelle
& the kids xx

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Operation Needed

We were due to meet my urology consultant Monday last week but when we arrived for the appointment we found that he was on holiday and instead we saw his registrar.

The registrar dashed our hopes of a quick operation and told us my name wasn't even on the list yet for my operation to have my kidneys removed. Plus, he said he couldn't add me to the list until the urology consultant returned from holiday which isn't until next week. It could be 3 months or more before I get an operation scheduled.
The good news was that he believed both kidneys cold be removed at once by looking at the CT scan. The scan revealed that my kidneys completely fill my abdomen space - they are huge.

Over the last 3 weeks I've had increasing back pain and moved from cocodamol to a stronger codine pain killer, then on to tramadol and I'm currently on morphine patches and also tramadol - although after 3 weeks this is no longer dealing with the pain and I am in serious pain every time I move. Sleeping is difficult. Moving in and out of bed causes excruciating pain. I tried to go to church on Good Friday but the pain was too much and we came home. I managed church on Easter Sunday because my daughter was coming with me - but it was very painful and tiring so until I get some better pain relief I'm not moving very far and am housebound other than for dialysis sessions. The doctor has just doubled my morphine prescription and added diazepam - lets see if this has any effect tonight.

We have discussed having home dialysis which was seen as a very good step for me by my nephrology consultant and the dialysis team - so we'll have a meeting to check out the house and may get the equipment installed by June. This will enable me to dialyse every day for two hours which will give me better blood filtration and reduce some of the restrictions in my diet and fluid intake. Home dialysis will require Joybelle to be my carer as you're not allowed to home dialyse without someone else present to support you.

Becki (my step daughter) saw me struggling to get out of bed today and has decided to try and do something to help. She wants me to get the kidneys removed ASAP in a private hospital. She doesn't want me to put up with the intense pain or have to wait 3 months or more for an operation. We've found out a cost of £6000 and she's setup a donations page on the Internet. If she manages to raise the money then I will go private for the kidney removal operation.

This is the link for the fundraising website Becki has setup -

Thanks for your continued support and prayers.

Rob & Joybelle